Poker Hand Matchups

Poker hand matchup calculator

In poker, the probability of each type of 5-card hand can be computed by calculating the proportion of hands of that type among all possible hands. Frequency of 5-card poker hands The following enumerates the (absolute) frequency of each hand, given all combinations of 5 cards randomly drawn from a full deck of 52 without replacement. Hand reading is the lifeblood of poker. Good players are always working to assign correct ranges throughout a hand, and the best players can narrow their opponent’s range with great precision. If you are not already working to hand read better in your 6max games – you are leaving heaps of money on the table. ♥ Use poker news sites. This tip is especially useful if you play tournaments. Look at poker news sites that offer live reporting. Live reports tend to offer hand replays that you can use as a first pass. Sites like PokerNews should do the trick, along with the hand matchups presented on ♥ Use poker workbooks.

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Poker Hand Matchups

Never play against unknowns

Without detailed statistics, you have to play at least few hundred raked hands to find out about the players at your table. This could easilly cost you ten or twenty big blinds in rake. For a fraction of the cost you can have data right at your finger tips so you can make the best decision before it costs you your bank roll.

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Picking the best tables to play on can be the difference between being a winning poker player and a losing one. Without knowing who is sitting at each table, their win rate, and statistics its impossible to find tables with the weakest players and maximize your edge and profit. Use massive amounts of hand history data to analyse available tables to choose the most profitable ones to join.

Analyze tough regulars

Poker Hand Matchup Odds

Poker hand matchups

Poker Hand Matchups

Sometimes your opponents seem to consistently get the better of you. They three and four bet at all of the right times. They raise and fold to your continuation bets with unbelievable accuracy. Instead of paying multiple buy-ins to figure out how to best play back, analyze the hundreds of thousands of hands they’ve played. Modern day poker tracking applications such as Hold’em Manager and Poker Tracker make looking through millions of hands an absolute breeze.